Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am walking/floating with a group across a hillside that slopes down to an ocean-a soft breeze blowing very green and layered with small white flowers. One person says excitedly, "Look those flowers are shaped like bells!" I realize we are in Ireland. I see in my mind in the dream a flag blowing with "California" written in cursive on it and I think-I love California after being to every other place in the world. We are now at the bottom of the cliff, at the shore of the ocean. I am with a woman who is a tour guide, we are being hurried to leave because we have to get to the airport, but we stand there and look up at what is called The Great Tree, a massive tree set into the cliff, a trunk with long pieces of bark that have fallen off leaving spaces it appears for you to walk inside. She is telling me about the tree, and I hold up a photograph I have with me against the sight of the tree, like you would hold your thumb up against the moon. The picture is of a dark greyish green sculpture of the back of a woman sitting at the top of long steps in a public place-the most prominent feature of the photograph is the buttocks of the sculpture poised in the position she is in sitting very straight. We walk back up the hillside/cliff and she, the tour guide, walks into a cave on the side of the cliff a group of people are huddled in laughing welcoming her in and I without a doubt part from her and continue walking upwards.

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