Tuesday, January 27, 2009

While driving somewhere, I see a new freeway off-ramp under construction. It descends from a wooden overpass partly obscured by clouds, is impossibly steep, and has no visible means of suspension. The pavement stops about a hundred feet above the ground. In an almost vertical position, two or three pieces of heavy equipment defy gravity while the workers take a coffee break. I pull off the road. Near an old industrial building, I see an adult version of a boy I knew in grade school. He seems down on his luck. I say his name, "Ernesto." The two of us walk around a corner. Ernesto tells me he needs a job. We come to a blue door. I point at it and say, "Have you asked at the mailroom?" He says no, and walks off alone.


Matt D said...

Have you ever tried verse? It works well with dreams. Just on the spur ...

driving somewhere,
a freeway off ramp
under construction
clouds obscured
impossibly steep
no means of suspension
a hundred feet
above the ground
almost vertical
three pieces
of heavy equipment
defying gravity

workers take
a coffee break
I stop to chat
a friend I see
grown up
and down on luck
around the corner
we walk
he needs a job
but instead we find
a blue door
I say
ask at the mail room
no he says
and is gone.

lyrics complements of Marya Ophir (my pseudonym/muse for poetry.)

William Michaelian said...

Thanks. Sometimes I do drift in that direction.